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    Hotel al Cacciatore

    Via Castelpietra, 5 – Località Castrona
    38054 Tonadico
    Primiero San Martino di Castrozza
    Trento – Italia

    0439 762792

    How to reach us

    Our hotel is nestled in one of the most beautiful valleys of the Dolomites, Val Canali, the beating heart of the Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Natural Park and only 3.5 km from the town centre of Tonadico.

    Ideal for those seeking a quiet retreat

    to experience an authentic and relaxing stay in harmony with the surrounding natural environment.

    Book here

    Book directly online, click below to check the availability of our rooms.

    Trentino Guest Card

    Trentino Guest Card is much more than a tourist pass: it is a new way to experience your holiday in Trentino.


    Discover all the useful information for those staying in our hotel.


    To stay updated on the events proposed in the Primiero valley and on our offers.

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